Masterclass retouching using Photoshop CC at the FISK-imaging studio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (image block above)

FISK-imaging organizes made to measure one-on-one TRAINING, WORKSHOPS for small groups, MASTERCLASSES and it's lead artist Wieger Poutsma is also available as KEYNOTE SPEAKER. These events can be organized at the FISK-imaging studio in Amsterdam or on location. Informal in nature these events can be about retouching, CGI or compositing in general or any made to measure subject. In some cases FISK-imaging teams up with guest speakers to broaden the spectrum of subjects or deepen a particular topic offered.

Lead digital artist Wieger Poutsma as Keynote Speaker at the Adobe Theatre at Professional Imaging 2018, The Netherlands.

Attending as speaker at Creative Pro Show in Rome, Italy (image block above)


In addition to these informal trainings, seminars and workshops we also organize more in depth PREMIUM TRAINING for professionals and studio's on creative solutions, CGI lighting and optimized workflow using MaxwellRender as well as integration and postproduction of CGI and photographical elements.

For these events FISK-imaging works in close collaboration with it's partners WACOM EUROPE and NEXT LIMIT TECHNOLOGIES.

Premium training in collaboration with Creative Lighting at the FISK-imaging studio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (image block above)

Contact us for more information: